In a year are likely to spend over an average of 2000 hours with colleagues. It means you will spend more time with coworkers than you spend with parents, friends, siblings, and even your significant other. With this, you need to have a positive relationship with people around your workplace-there is so much more to learn from them.
Are you a good colleague? That’s something you should ask yourself. If you want colleagues to treat you with respect, you too must be understanding and kind to them. In this article, there are five ways to help you become a good colleague, so read on.
1. Be Humble
Being humble is one of the admirable virtues to have, and at no point should you feel you are selling yourself short. Also, humbling does not mean you are insecure, but it’s a sign of humility that shows you possess a clear perspective of what is going on around you.
Recognizing your limitations in the workplace makes it easier to build sensible relationships with colleagues. For instance, when facing challenges in your work, it’s good to ask for inputs from fellow workers. It’s a good signal to them because it shows you are open and ready to listen to ideas. And eventually, this kind of sharing helps both you and your colleague build a bond of respect and mutual understanding.
2. Be Ready to Help Coworkers
If a coworker needs help with proofreading a report, they are preparing, help them out. If a colleague is too busy and requests your help, and your workload allows it, help. This minor act of kindness and willingness to help may appear petty but speak a great volume about you in the real sense. Likewise, helping others is good because you might need help someday, and your colleagues will be there to return the favour.
3. Stay Away from Gossip
If you discover someone gossiping about you, most likely, you would be offended. So don’t entertain such gossip. And if a coworker talks you up about another coworker’s non-important issues such as impending firing or office romance, respond, “Really?” Then change the topic or continue with your work. The act of not responding to the gossiper makes them feel ashamed, and they are unlikely to come back with such stories. In the end, coworkers will respect and trust you.
4. Reply to Calls and Messages Promptly
At all times, always practice good office etiquette. If a colleague calls or sends a message, respond as soon as possible. Don’t ignore or forget because nothing is more frustrating to a colleague than being left hanging or kept in the dark on work-related matters. Always strive to respond quickly to your colleagues. If you do so, they will undoubtedly be grateful. But if you don’t respond, it gives them a poor impression: they are not important to you.
5. Always Give Credit Where it’s Due.
If a colleague does something deserving of praise, don’t withhold to give credit. Doing so keeps them off, and when your time comes, they won’t be there to share in your achievement. It is always good to embrace the altitude if one wins, everyone has won, and the good thing is to praise them for their excellent work. If you get credit belonging to another colleague, kindly acknowledge them and pass all credit and praise.
To be a good colleague is a continuous process; you need to keep helping your team now and then. However, to make a workplace conducive, it requires joint efforts from every worker to feel comfortable. This helps everyone in the workplace achieve their goals. And more importantly, you will position yourself as a good colleague that fellow workers can count on and a good example.